Variation in the Elastic Modulus and Increased Energy Dissipation Induced by Cyclic Straining of Argiope bruennichi Major Ampullate Gland Silk
We invite you to read the new publication of the Tec4Bio consortium, the result of the collaboration of several groups from Madrid and China..
Continue ReadingCaveolae Mechanotransduction at the Interface between Cytoskeleton and Extracellular Matrix
Do not miss the following publication of the CNIC MecanoCaveoLab group. Congratulations to all involved for the work!
Continue ReadingThe Spider Silk Standardization Initiative (S3I): A powerful tool to harness biological variability and to systematize the characterization of major ampullate silk fibers spun by spiders from suburban Sydney, Australia
Take a look at the new publication of the Gustavo Plaza group (GMB-UPM).
Continue ReadingMolecular architecture and oligomerization of Candida glabrata Cdc13 underpin its telomeric DNA-binding and unfolding activity
We invite you to read the new publication of the Tec4Bio consortium, the result of the collaboration of the groups led by Oscar Llorca and Fernando Moreno-Herrero, next to Neal F Lue's lab (Weill Cornell Medical College).
Continue ReadingAPLF and long non-coding RNA NIHCOLE promote stable DNA synapsis in non-homologous end joining
Do not miss the following publication that has been the result of the effort and cohesion of 2 Tec4Bio consortium groups together with CIMA researchers (university of Navarra). Congratulations to all involved for the work!
Continue ReadingHigh-Yield Characterization of Single Molecule Interactions with DeepTipTM Atomic Force Microscopy Probes
Take a look at the new publication of the Gustavo Plaza group (GMB-UPM).
Continue ReadingCaveolin1-dolines form a distinct and rapid caveolae-independent mechanoadaptation system
We invite you to read the new publication of the Miguel Ángel del Pozo group, CNIC.
Continue ReadingA deep learning-based tool for the automated detection and analysis of caveolae in transmission electron microscopy images
We invite you to read the new publication of the Miguel Ángel del Pozo group, CNIC.
Continue ReadingCell response to extracellular matrix energy dissipation outweighs rigidity sensing
Do not miss the following pre-print that has been the result of the effort and cohesion of 4 Tec4Bio consortium groups. Congratulations to all involved for the work!
Continue ReadingStructural basis for the inactivation of cytosolic DNA sensing by the vaccinia virus
Take a look at the new publication by Oscar Llorca's group in collaboration with Laurence H's laboratory. Pearl (University of Sussex/Institute of Cancer Research).
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